Spencer/Blair Precinct Project


The City of Bunbury Local Housing Strategy 2021 identified the need to significantly increase the number of residents living in areas adjacent to/nearby the City Centre.


This is to broaden the opportunities for affordable and diverse housing to occur at the fringes of the city centre within areas capable of supporting a mix of compatible uses. Providing housing in existing established areas is also an effective use of existing resources in terms of infrastructure, schools and open spaces.   


The Precinct is currently zoned 'Mixed Use - Commercial' and 'Service Commercial' under Local Planning Scheme No. 8 (see Precinct Map under Document Library for a map of the zoning). The zoning stipulates what land uses or types of development is allowed and currently, residential development (housing) is allowed in the 'Mixed Use - Commercial' which is mostly along Spencer Street but not permitted in 'Service Commercial' zoning which is the majority of the Precinct. To allow residential development changes would need to be made to the Local Planning Scheme No. 8.


The project is to investigate if this is something the City should pursue to allow more opportunities for housing closer to the Bunbury CBD.