Spencer/Blair Precinct Project


The City of Bunbury Local Housing Strategy 2021 identified the need to significantly increase the number of residents living in areas adjacent to/nearby the City Centre.

This is to broaden the opportunities for affordable and diverse housing to occur at the fringes of the city centre within areas capable of supporting a mix of compatible uses. Providing housing in existing established areas is also an effective use of existing resources in terms of infrastructure, schools and other amenities.

The Spencer/Blair Precinct has been identified as an area for the City to investigate under the Local Housing Strategy 2021.

Where is it?

The Spencer/Blair Precinct is a triangle of commercial and mixed use land between Spencer Street, Cornwall Street, Blair Street and Strickland Street. A map of the Spencer/Blair Precinct can be found under Document Library on the right hand side of the screen.

Project to Date

The Precinct is presently characterised by commercial land uses and very limited residential development. To date, there has been limited pursuit of residential/mixed use development opportunities as facilitated by the Local Planning Scheme. The project aims to help unlock this precinct for more housing development by understanding the issues, impediments and opportunities experienced by key stakeholders.As part of the invesitgation the Cityhas undertaken several stages of consultation with landowners and other stakeholders to understand how the area is currently operating and the appeite for both housing and commercial land uses.

The first stage of consultation was undertaken at the start of 2022 when the City sent a letter out to all landowners to initiate the conversation aroundwhat the current opportunities and barriers in the area. Landowners provided a lot of valuable feedback for the City to consider which informed the second stage of consultation undertaken at the end of 2022.

The City engaged a consultant, Urbis to undertake the second stage of consultation to engage with landowners and other stakeholders in the Spencer/Blair Street Precinct to identify potential opportunities, constraints, and priorities for delivering additional housing within the Precinct. Engagement outcomes will inform the City’s approach to planning for the Precinct

The recommendations in the Outcomes Report arebased on the information collected during the consultation and will be subject to further review by the City. A copy of the Outcomes Report can be found under the Document Library on the right hand side of the page.

What's Next?

Currently the majority of the Precinct is zoned 'Service Commercial' which does not permit residential development under Local Planning Scheme No. 8 and this would need to be changed to allow more housing.

The City is currently exploring options such as further studies and technical reports to be undertaken, liaising with State Government agencies and considering what changes need to be made in the public realm, building controls, zoning and land use permissibility to encourage residential development.

The City has been investigating these recommendations and liaising with Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage (DPLH) with a request for assistance with the project. DPLH and the City are working together to consider the recommendations including the preparation of a Precinct Structure Plan. A Precinct Structure Plans outlines land use, density and development (including built form), access arrangements, infrastructure, environmental assets and community facilities at a precinct scale to facilitate future subdivision and development.

During this process, there will be engagement with the community and other stakeholders which will inform any changes to the area.

For more information please see the Background Information tab below or the FAQs andWho's Listening on the right hand side of page.

  • Local Housing Strategy Approved by Council in March 2021

    The Local Housing Strategy identified the Spencer/Blair Precinct as Focus Area 2.1 with the objective to broaden opportunities for affordable and diverse housing to occur at the fringes of the city centre within areas capable of supporting a mix of compatible uses.

    The City commenced investigations at the start of 2022. 

  • Stage 1 Consultation

    In February 2022, the City contacted the landowners in the Spencer/Blair Precinct. Landowners were asked to fill in a high level survey on the precinct. 

  • Review of Results from Stage 1 Consultation

    March/April 2022

    The City collated the results and reviewed the information. The City determined that the second stage of consultation was required to further explore the themes raised in the first stage of consultation prior to any decision being made about rezoning to ensure the planning framework amendments are responsive to key issues and concerns. The City provided an update to Landowners in May 2022 and started the procurement process to engage a consultant. 

  • Stage 2 Consultation

    October/November 2022

    The City engaged Urbis at the end of July 2022. Urbis are town planning and community engagement consultants and designed the second stage of consultation in conjunction with the City. 

    The focus group sessions will be run by Urbis and form part of the second stage of consultation. 

  • Review of Results from Stage 2 Consultation

    The consultant has provided the City with an Outcomes Report  (see under the Document Library on the right hand side of the page) which explores the information collated through the consultation period and includes recommendations for the City to Consider. The City is currently considering these options. 


  • Next steps

    The City is currently exploring options such as further studies and technical reports to be undertaken, liaising with State Government agencies and considering what changes need to be made in the public realm, building controls, zoning and land use permissibility. Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage and the City are working together to consider the recommendations including the preparation of a Precinct Structure Plan. 

    During this process, there will be engagement with the community and other stakeholders which will inform any changes to the area. This is likely to occur in the second half of 2025.

The City of Bunbury Local Housing Strategy 2021 identified the need to significantly increase the number of residents living in areas adjacent to/nearby the City Centre. 

Under the Local Housing Strategy, the Spencer/Blair Street Precinct was identified as a Focus Area with the following actions:

1. Commence and act upon findings of investigative studies / strategies
2. Establish precinct area and undertake an investigative survey of prevailing conditions and engage with landowners
3. Pursue a contemporary ‘precinct structure plan’ approach to guide future planning and to inform the preparation of potential amendments (e.g. rezoning) to the local planning scheme.

The City is currently in the investigation stage of the project and undertaken several stages of consultation with landowners. 

First Stage of Consultation 

The first stage of consultation was undertaken in February 2022 to begin the conversation with landowners about housing opportunities within the area. Landowners were asked to fill in a survey with the following questions:

  • Their interest in the land?
  • Their intentions for the next 5 years?
  • Their current view of the area and why?
  • How they see the future of the precinct?
  • What changes would they like to see in the area?
  • Have you considered redeveloping and including mixed uses (commercial and residential) and/or residential development such as apartments?

The City recieved 54 surveys which represents just over 25% of the landowners. The key issues raised from the survey results were:

  • Land use permitted within the service commercial zone (some landowners wanting to see more residential)
  • Lack of desire to develop properties – and specifically for residential
  • Road condition, limited road widths and one-way only streets
  • Streetscape upgrades (undergrounding power, more street trees, street lighting)
  • Provision and condition of footpaths
  • Verge maintenance
  • Water, drainage, and sewer concerns
  • Existing amenity – commercial vs residential
  • Overhead power – staging
  • Allowing redevelopment in a more staged approach to keep some areas commercial
  • Amenities for residential (public open space required)
  • Car parking problems
  • Heritage/character significance of some properties
  • Hard to cross Blair and Spencer Street as a pedestrian

After reviewing the consultation results, the City have determined that the second stage of consultation was required to further explore the themes raised in the first stage of consultation prior to any decision being made about rezoning to ensure the planning framework amendments are responsive to key issues and concerns.

Second Stage of Consultation

The City engaged a consultant, Urbis to assist in undertaking the next stage of consultation and to produce an Outcomes Report which collated the information collected through the consultation. The second stage of consultation further explored the themes that came out of the first stage of consultation. In October/November 2022 Urbis and the City held an in person workshop session and several online workshops with landowners, met with State Departments and other members of the community who has experience in housing such as real estate agents and architects. 

The results showed that the key issues for residential development in the area raised by the participants of the consultation include:

  1. The present cost and demand for mixed use development are a barrier
  2. The absence of an aligned and integrated vision is a barrier
  3. Improvement of pedestrian networks and environment will be important
  4. There is a need to improve roads and infrastructure
  5. There is a desire to retain current businesses
  6. More open spaces/parks are sought
  7. Parking improvements were identified as a need
  8. There is potential for a demonstration project

This concludes the preliminary investigation into the project and in terms of the next steps for project, the City is now considering how best to proceed based on the investigation to date and what changes need to occur to facilitate more residential opportunities in the area.

Part 6 of the Outcomes Report (see Document Library on the right hand side of the page) includes options for the City to consider. The City is currently exploring options such as further studies and technical reports to be undertaken, liaising with State Government agencies and considering what changes need to be made in the public realm, building controls, zoning and land use permissibility. This information is currently being reviewed and the City is also reaching out the State Government agencies to discuss the opportunities for assistance.

The next stages will include further consultation and options for feedback.